Thursday, April 14, 2011

When I Was A Kid

I once took part in some kind of a children's parade, fashion show- God knows what. Basically, it was an Indian people thing, because each child was to go on stage, represent a particular city from India, say something about it, look cute and then the next child was to come on.
I was New Delhi.
Dyou know what my line was?
'Mein Hindustan ka dil hoon'.
Which means, I am Hindustan's heart.

It will also surprise you, perhaps warm you even to know what my first word was- dil. Heart. And I know this because apparently I was calling out to my father, who used to call me 'dil'. It happened in Dubai, when I was in a car and I was calling out to Papa.

I also find it imperative to let you know that whenever I so much as read a newspaper article on alien life forms, or Roswell, or UFO sightings or anything from that family, I subconsciously start humming the X-Files theme tune. That has got to be the best theme tunes in like, ever.

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