Saturday, March 19, 2011

Reasons Why You Shouldnt Date A Journalism Student

The title's self-explanatory, so I'm going to get down to the nitty-gritty.

. We do our research.
If we ever agree to step out with you for dinner, be aware that we're doing so with each and every idea of what colour you like, to where your ex-girlfriend is studying now, to what's your favourite TV show. While this is awesome for the duration we're in a relationship, you must remember that we have a file lodged, both virtually and in our rooms, that documents each and everything about you. We know where you hung out last night, so there's no use telling us lies, we know who you were talking to on the phone at 3am and we even know what your Mum's opinion on your new hairstyle is. Just remember, if things go awry, we can use this against you. Not only do we have more material than 2 Asians combined, but rest assured, we're going to know exactly who you might be dating right after us. If our intentions were not right, or you might have hurt us a little more than necessary, be secure in the knowledge that we have all the ammo and more than we need to destroy your rep. Also, dont sweat, but we've most probably also done a background check on you, criminal records and all.

. Communication is key.
We're studying a major that is all about communication, so you can bet that we'd be kick-bum at it. And its important. Being withdrawn and unexpressive does not cut it for us. You need to talk to us, about the ants you saw having a massive Termite Convention if you must, but you need to. We dont appreciate mono-syllabic or 2 line texts either. And you'd better have a good reason for not communicating with us online, seeing as we're constantly perusing it.

. We're quite adept at current affairs.
With a few exceptions, every week, all of us almost always score a high 7 or 8 on BBC's Weekly World Quiz. And the only time we will find you remotely interesting is when you know something we dont. But remember, we dont show off our knowledge, so kindly dont make it seem like you're the only one who gets a newspaper in your entire village.

. We're trained to argue.
So there's no point fighting a lost battle. We're taught to be objective, so when we do fight, we fight fair. But when you know you're in the wrong, kindly dont be a poster child for Bastardism and keep ploughing on. I think this following line also deserves a mention. We dont judge a book by its cover or presume you to be guilty until proven innocent, to use the two most cliche lines ever seen, so you will be given the addendum  of being guilty 'beyond reasonable doubt' for quite some time. Once we catch onto the fact that you might be taking us for a ride, or that you might have noticed our fair-ness and might be toying with it, tides will change. And you will be tomorrow's newspaper.

. We can fight dirty.
We have the power of language on our side. As well as portraying emotions. If you do wrong by us, just remember that we're the mouthpieces of society and future news-makers. It wont take long before some unrealistic fact about you is leaked into your circle of friends, and before long, you'll be that homeless guy on the street you just laughed at.*

. Timeliness is Godliness.
We're usually running on tight deadlines and have tons of things to do. The fact that we're taking some time out from work and friends to spend it with you ought to be of some value to you. We could just as well be absorbing knowledge from some tomes at the library or reading opinion pieces from industry stalwarts about the future of geysers, or meeting friends and laughing along to the most hilarious pronounciation and grammar mistakes we've had the displeasure of viewing, OR we could be saving the world one blog post/article/news byte at a time. Alternatively, we could be running around doing things in Student Council, working on the school newspaper and well, you get my drift. Dont make us (me) wait. No one appreciates having to wait for someone else, unless you're an interviewee (if that's the case, we'd wipe your dog's doo doo with our bare hands if need be). If you give us a time, honour it. You will be given a 5-10 minute grace period, but if you feel you're engaged in something, be nice, send us a text, maybe a call if you can, and tell us when you'd next be available. If you keep us waiting for too long, chances are you'll soon be the one biting the dust.

. We know what we want. And how to get it.
We're writers. We know how to behave in order to get you to react to us in certain way. Heck, we know how to manipulate you- whether its through tears, emotional blackmail or your fear of teddy bears in the dark. Don't make us use it.

. You'd be pretty lucky to be dating us. Really.
Let's face it. You must have crushed on a Journalism student one time or the other. One reason why you'd be so unfailingly attracted to us is obviously the lack of narcissism we have. The reason why you would be lucky, however, is that despite knowing which way you put your pants on, we still choose to associate with you, and if I may go so far as to say this, even view you romantically. I wont lie, we're highly judgmental people. We judge you by the way you apply prose in conversation, by your hand gesticulations, by your grammar skills on Facebook. You'd have to be pretty darn flawless to be considered worthy of a Journalism student. Honest.

Apart from that, we're lovely really. Not at all pompous, petulant, egotistical, narcissistic, vain, demanding. No sir.

*Disclaimer- I jest. I dont think any journalist in their right mind would curate facts of that sort. This is just an exaggerated version of events. Yknow, better to be safe than sorry.