Saturday, March 19, 2011

When I Was A Kid

I used to love sitting in the car, at night, while it was raining outside.
There were 2 reasons.
As the car would move, tiny little water snakes would form. Until I grew up, I had no clue it was because of the wind's impact on the raindrops. I loved believing that the water snakes would have races.
I used to cheer the longest snake all the time. And it would usually lose pretty quickly. You were disqualified if you disbanded from other raindrops.

The second reason was that whenever I wasnt playing the above game, I used to love resting my hand onto the windowpane (please tell me what the correct term is for that place), and pretend like the shadow of the raindrops on the window were actually a terrible bout of measles that I had contracted. I used to try putting my face against the window too, to get the measles effect, but it didnt work out that well, because I never saw my face. Then I'd look out the window at other people in their cars, and I'd look purposely sad, because I'd contracted measles. And I hoped that they would wonder in their car, 'O gosh, what a terrible skin condition that child has'. It never occurred to me that:
a. they probably couldnt even identify the tiny little me in the backseat of the car,
b. and that they would have the common sense to be able to tell that it was raindrops.
Sometimes when I was extra hopeful, I'd pray that the light reflect the shadows as green in colour, so that it was established beyond reasonable doubt that I had in fact contracted measles. I thought measles were manufactured in the colour green.

And a third favourite car activity of mine was to peep at the moon, look at my reflection on the window, and then look out for the moon once more. I used to strongly believe that the moon was following me, going where I was going. When I'd lose sight of it for whatever reason, I used to immediately conclude that the moon had better things to do and it got a life, so it went away. Then when I'd see it again, I'd be like, O, it's back to following me.

And now you're either thinking:
. What a bizarre kid. 
. What cheap thrills.
. What an attention seeker. 

I wont deny any of the charges.