Wednesday, November 24, 2010

the day i finished 3 years.

to document the day i finished my undergraduate studies, i only thought it appropriate to take a jumping shot as is my finesse, and show it to the world. unfortunately, the only person i had on hand to do it for me was mama. and feeling all liberated and independent, i decided to do them in my pajamas. i thought that id take about 3-4 shots and be over with it. here is what happened, in pictorial evidence.

yes, they're all massive fails where lift-off is concerned.
and they're all mama's fault.
but look at me.
im so happie!
i did have one that was successful.

but at the end of the day, this was my favourite.

yes. have a good day.
(these pictures are not meant to be used anywhere without the owner's permission. thank you.)


  1. LOL somebody went wild :-P nice effects too!

  2. thank you!
    i didnt do anything, that Blues' normal behaviour when he's on Slow Synchro mode.
