Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dear Arts Degree,

Thank you for ruining every movie I will ever watch, every magazine article I will ever read and every picture I will ever look at.
Now intertextuality haunts me, psychoanalysis makes me ponder and structuralism stalks me. 
Now a movie isnt just a movie- its a look at how various people are represented, at how stereotypes dominate and reinforce ideologies.
Now a magazine article is more than just about punctuations and punchlines, its about policies and power relations. Its about dissecting and getting to read between the lines the writer wrote about.
Now a picture is about semiotics. Its about the structure, its about the aesthetics, its about the philosophy and about the layers it perpetuates.

Most of all, Dear Arts degree, thank you for giving me a vocabulary that no one apart from a fellow Arts student would understand. 


  1. so much for learning everything throughout your uni life.. thing is it's in the human nature to behave and think like this. whatever we learn, we try to give meaning to it. so you apply those big terms to movies and articles, i apply engineering knowledge to circuits etc. it's all about making us feel less guilty and giving us a confidence boost..

    so that we can say "hey, i know that!"


  2. Abeer, I need to add: 'Thank you Arts degree for ruining every children's book I have and will ever read by contributing mental illness to Winnie-the-Pooh and post modern, pastoral, jungle and urban anthropomorphism to every possible text and illustration!'
    Note to self: Majoring in Children's Literature was a bad idea. I feel sorry for my kids.

  3. haha yes keshav. sort of like proving that you do actually learn something from your education no?

    kelly! you read ze blog! yaaay! hahaha. i felt extremely violated in this one class where the learnt all about the hidden meanings in Little Red Riding Hood. i could have done without that little lecture. pah.
