Friday, December 31, 2010


 so i decided to be conventional and post a end-of-the-year post, because im such a conformist like that. newsflash- i wished for daniel vettori/ross taylor this christmas but found neither of them in my 6-feet stocking. santa, if you're reading this (and i know you are) i am truly very upset with you. if you couldnt manage the real thing, you could certainly have sent a doppelganger. your ratings are going waaaaaaaaay down sir. o wait, looks like im not such a conformist after all.
this isn't more about what happened in 2o1o and what didnt, rather a post about what i would like to see happening in 2o11, as a result of things that have happened in 2o1o.
first, foremost and most importantly all thrown in together, i have a very specific demand 2o11. 2o1o was extremely memorable for me, in many ways, and i do not want that anymore. i dont want the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.
2o11, consider this begging- but i want you to be stable. you can subtract my fair share of both happiness and unhappiness, but i want stability. i will miss the happiness, but if that means that unhappiness also stays at bay, i dont mind the exchange.

i graduated in 2o1o, i will again in 2o11 (fingers crossed)
i found new best friends and lost a few friends
i started blogging
i got an internship at india's number 1 business channel
i saw myself through student council and the most difficult semester ever to be dealt with
i am dealing with things that have put me down, low and out
i had the best [21st] birthday anyone on earth could ever ask for (thank you All of You again, i loved every minute of that day!)
i heard the best jokes
i worked with some of the best people (isnt it amazing how God's sent some of the most brilliant people to Monash KL)
i found my head and who i was under difficult circumstances
i know the mistakes i made and i hope i never have to see them again, or make them again
most importantly im still alive, breathing, a little under the weather but physically okay.

special mention to the number 7. i never thought this would happen to me, and id estimated the number to be at 4. yknow? but 7 was really surprising. and yknow what 2o11? special post-it note for you- make it 3 year but make them awesome. else, 8. so its like half of good or all of crap. haw haw.

before you start thinking im an idiot, heres what i do want in 2o11:
. friends to weather bad weather with and share the joys of the good weather
. enjoy my field of study to the maximum and make the most of the opportunity
. concentrate on honours till no end so i can do the best i can do (is that silly?)
. live to see more opportunites come my way
. be okay

i also hope you're making no new years resolutions. because lets face it- they're so lame. at least i think so. here's one song id like you to end your year with. 


having said all that, perhaps there is no better time for sending out a letter than the turn of the year. therefore this open letter is addressed to the one entity that i, just take a look at it will you!


dear happiness,
it seems as though you have forgotten my address. you know im in india right now, dont you? please skipalong and come back to me. i miss you A Lot and you almost never visit. whenever you're here, you're only here for a while. what have i done to upset you so that you keep leaving so suddenly, so quickly and take so much time to return? also, your friend 2o11 is coming home soon. please come with him and this time, stay
lots of love,
your friend.
ps. i know im a hypocrite like that. so sue me.

and here's a song i'd like you to keep with you always- in good times and bad. 

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