Monday, October 25, 2010

Story of My Life

I know. I'm saying it again. But really. You only need to watch this short movie to know who you are, and who I am. and who who (or Hu) is. okay im being lame. but seriously, this movie is worth it. cute and a little wise, its' got a great lesson for all of us! Awareness thanks to Tim! He writes brilliant essays btw. Just make sure you have a dictionary with you while going through them. (:


  1. Your far too kind Abeer :) thanks for the props. I wish I had your playfulness, to which I'd probably also say flexibility as a writer. The deeper I go, the more I lose site of the real world. I was suitably chastised by a friend recently. But this comment is about you! not me ;)

  2. lose site or sight tim?
    hahaha i kid. i get what you mean!

    ah no. this comment is about you! you are awesome. now go and haff a briffiant day!

  3. I loved this ! What a wonderful video :)

  4. i loved it too mal!
    turns out the ftv kids watched this before they took their test. tres sweet no?

  5. sight is what i meant ;) dyslexic today :/

  6. its all good.
    happens to the best of us.
