I dont think there's anyone cooler than me, only on the basis that I can insult someone and alliterate the insult at the same time!
I feel like I have a superpower now.
"I'm sorry but your cranium is just filled with crap"
I put this up as my status about 2 days and it was overtaken by 2 Engineering students, who then proceeded to create a new term called 'Crapium', which quote unquote was connoted,
"We have discovered a new element, Crapium! Naturally occurring in the cranium of humans in varying quantities, it radiates stupidity into the humans brain. This causes a loss of cognitive function at most inopportune times. That and Rainbow Stalin."-ZhiSheng Chow
To which was added this following line:
"Name by K.Ramrekha
Description and behavioral aspects: ZSChow"
Basically they took all the glory away from me. Indians I tell you. Doesnt matter if they're in Mauritius or Malaysia, they LOVE the glory. (I then asked for credit in CAPSLOCK, which they were all meh about. Some people aiyoh.)
The other line is:
My condolences on the contrived condition of the contours of your cerebellum.
It was on my Twitter feed and all that, and I recently unearthed it to put it up here. I think its a stellar line, and I'm probably the only one who does. Sekian.
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