Thursday, May 19, 2011

If You're In The Arts & Want To Break Up With Someone

Kindly use the following line.

"I'm sorry, but you're just too mainstream for me."


"Its not you, its me. I'm too abstract for you."

Followed of course by a chorus of why the person deserves someone [insert opposite of abstract].

You're very welcome.


  1. haha classic

    i guess when one is in sciences they eventually break up with u anyways ... :P haha..

  2. haha, not necessarily. i have friends who're in the sciences and couples and whatnot.

  3. i am a software engineer who is a poet :P talk about conflict between arts and science

  4. o, i meet people like that all the time! i know someone who's actually a big-time singer, but they have a degree in something like mechanical engineering, if im not mistaken. think about it, i dont actually know the person. i know stuff about the person.

  5. yeah Most of them are.. Ali Haider was one, Junaid jamshed...etc
