Thank you.
From the bottom of my heart.
As if my loud and boisterous, opinionated personality wasn't enough to not get me a boyfriend, I now have all this extra knowledge to deal with.
Now I have educated opinions. I can name drop Bourdeau, Marx and Appadurai in conversations (and make sense from it!). I want to say 'life trajectories' in place of what would have, before, been an easier alternative. And now because I'm educated enough, I dont even know what the simpler way of saying life trajectories is.
As if it wasnt enough that I dont find guys girls normally find hot, hot, I now have the added burden of judging the person's intelligence, very strongly.
I now judge a guy's opinions based on the bases (thats plural of basis, btw) he uses, and dont just take him at face value.
You, dear Arts degree, have ruined every chance I would ever have of getting a boyfriend. Thank you.
lol so after osama is gone everything is being blamed on the arts degree.... :D..... Nice humorous write up though.