Monday, March 14, 2011


Just for your kind information, I will not ever appreciate it if you give me a certain time, say, o, I dont know, 10 minutes, or a time on the o'clock, like say, 4, and then, have the gall to not be on time and not even inform me that you're going to be late. If you've said 15 minutes, I'll give you 20. But kindly never make me wait for more than the allotted time, and then expect me to not fume and shoot you with metaphorical daggers, because really, in my mind, you're already dying a very terribly slow and painful death (okay, not really. I'm not that morbid). 
What I will not appreciate even more, is you giving me attitude about it instead, saying that o, I wasnt late. I saw you talking to someone else, so I thought I'd wait it out until YOU finished talking. Come on lah. Who are you kidding? I dont ask much. If you cant make it to meet me or talk to me at an allotted time, no worries. Its cool. I get delayed too. But I have the decency to send you a one-line text saying, listen, getting delayed by 5-10 minutes. Or hey, I'll be there in some time. It also very unkind to be like, 'in a bit', because uh hello, our bits are extremely relative. 

Dyou know what else I dont like? I dont like it when you ridicule the amount of undying effort I've put in, into something, and then say, O, we're going to do a better job at this than you. I'm sure you will, but there's no need to state it so sharply. I can take a joke, but I will not tolerate a joke when you try to make yourself look better than me. For this sole reason and another very personal one, I hope things dont work out for you.

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