This is just to inform you that I find your mind extremely brilliant. I have just finished reading your letters and peeking into your thoughts, and while I think that you cry far too much, I think you're delightful apart from that.
There is one particular paragraph that caught my attention, and has remained in my mind. It is about your brother, and I attach it here.
"More like the movie where the guy meets a smart girl who wears a lot of sweaters and drinks cocoa. They talk about books and issues and kiss in the rain. I think that would be very good for him, especially if the girl were unconventionally beautiful. They are the best kind of girls, I think. I personally find "supermodels" strange. I dont know why that is."
In all sincerity, this is the kind of love I've always dreamed of. I call it the 'woolly' kind of love. Where everything just gives you a warm feeling. Where you bond not over superficial things, but over words, debates and conversations. I love that kind of love. I love hot chocolate. I dont really know about the kissing in the rain part though. I've never thought about that. And what I love most is the idea of being found 'unconventionally beautiful'. I hope someday someone finds me unconventionally beautiful. I hope someone falls for me hook line and sinker. I love the idea that all of this could happen in front of books, a nice warm drink, sweaters, comfy carpets, fireplaces, just all that stuff. Surrounded and serenaded by beauty. I just love that. That is all.
PS. This might be really weird, but when I first posted up excerpts from the book, I used one quote. It was the same quote that's on the blurb on the book. It goes,
"I walk around the school hallways and look at the people. I look at the teachers and wonder why they're here. If they like their jobs. Or us. And I wonder how smart they were when they were fifteen. Not in a mean way. In a curious way. It's like looking at all the students and wondering who's had their heart broken that day, and how they are able to cope with having three quizzes and a book report due on top of that. Or wondering who did the heart breaking. And wondering why."I think that's freaky, how we'd both think of using the same quote, of all the quotes in the book.
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