Thursday, December 2, 2010

world's most interactive blog feature. really.

okay, for this to work, obviously, as it is interactive, it requires YOUR participation.
so here's what you have to do.

step 1. say the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of me, out loud. remember, the first thing you think of when you think of me (i would be beyond honoured if you think of anything non-alcoholic). out loud.

step 2. scroll down.

consider that my reaction.
now tell me that this is NOT the most interactive feature you have ever seen.
and yes, have a brilliant day.


  1. hey CHIPMUNK is my thing :p why dnt u put a monkey named ABU :p

  2. Nice one, mate. The chipmunk was hardcore!

  3. sorry chamma, i couldnt FIND a monkey called abu.

    and thank you, i feel the same!

  4. @abu: Haha!!! damn miss all you guys!!!

    TWO thumbs up FOR the CHIPMUNK!!! XD
