So while collating my normal all-the-things-I-wish-I-could-buy list, I saw some very, as the blog title claims, absurd accessories. I was on ASOS and Kate Spade (posts of which you'll be updated on in a minute or 19) and these things caught my eye for very many reasons.
. Draping Chains Shoulder Harness. I didnt make that name up. I swear. That's what its CALLED. Just imagine. The picture is even more pathetic. I get the whole sadomasochism thing going on ever since Lady Gaga burst onto our screens, but really, this is too much. Is it not enough that you've chained dogs and cats and gazelles? Must you chain yourself too? In one way it does make sense, because humans ought to be the ones chained, as they're such hooligans, and specially these fashionistas, who cant curb spending/buying even if God himself came down to stop them from doing it. Yes I know I sound like a hypocrite because I keep uploading hedonistic pictures of cravings myself, but in my defense I have no money. Anyway, onto more important things. This thing is really fugly and in my unesteemed and unfashioned opinion, a very stupid piece of accessory.
. Black And White Sequin Lace And Feather Fascinator. I happen to think this just the most darling headpiece ever. For when you want to show people (without telling them of course) that you love snow so much, you like to walk around town with what seems like a constant-snowfall on your head. Live action summore.
. Double Rings Chain Harness. Here's another one of the ingenious creations, which looks like a... I dont even know what looks like that. This is what I suppose stupidity looks like. Haw haw. Also, even if you do want to introduce such a fashion accessory into society, shouldnt you at least give it a name that makes you want to covet, desire the product? Rather than call it something that sounds like an aeroplane spare part?
. Heart Shaped Ring With Cat Portrait. Okay, this one is just bizzare. I understand heart-shaped rings. I even understand portraits in them. But what i do not understand, is why you would go out, seek a ring that has a picture of a feline, buy it and then wear it. I mean, the cat's not even yours!
. Gunmetal Pearl Bow Ring. Last but not least, this ring. When I first saw it, it reminded me of cotton ear-buds. Q-tips, if you want to be fancy-shashmcy about it. Then when I thought about it, it reminded me of something else. Any Indian knows about the 2 super-strong magnets you get almost everywhere in town now. The ones that are shiny metallic grey and stick to each other even though you put thick papers in between them; when you throw them into the air, they 'find' each other and create an annoying clang-clang-clang sound. Yes, those ones. Needless to say, weird (haw, but I still went ahead and said it).
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