Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mama O Mama!

. So when Prince William and Kate Middleton got engaged, Mama saw their snapshot in the papers. Later that afternoon we were sleeping and she was like, she's pretty and all that. I said yeah, meh, nothing too great. Then I asked her what her name was.

Mama: "I cant believe you're asking me this. I know her name. Its just not coming to me right now. Wait, yes, I know. Its Kitty Rose something."

. If you know me, you know that there is a term I use very often- complisult. It basically a marriage between a compliment and an insult, and together a word that I have had the privilege of receiving many times over. I picked it from this Hollywood actor who's not so famous (which is why I forgot his name, but I attribute this to him) and he was like, 'its like when someone says i didnt think you could cook so well. Its a compliment because that means the food is good, but an insult because you're like wait what, what do you think you didnt think that?'
So Mama also knows about this word, and coming from the market, where she'd been doled out such treatment herself, she was narrating her story.

Mama: "And you know, he gave me such a complacent".

. Today, we were talking about something, and somehow we started talking about mangoes. Mama, I dont know why was like, 'Yeah, like Mingo Jerry'. And I'm like, 'what's that?' Mama goes, 'I think its a sweet made from mangoes.' I researched it later. Its Mungo Jerry and a band name.

. yesterday night, i finally got around to downloading Toy Story 3. i watched it as soon as it was complete, because ive been waiting a very long time to do so. it was an overly emotional movie for me, because this was the very first english movie (and animation movie) i had watched as a kid in the theatre. towards the end, when the envitable end is near, and all the characters just hold hands in resignation, i started sobbing hysterically, crying for all for Africa. i havent been this emotionally distraught in, well, quite a few days. i was crying so much and so loud that the moment i got out to take tissues (because both my nose and eyes were crying) my mum got concerned about it. i went back to my room, finished the movie and came out to watch Top Chef. mama came to me, bringing her dupatta, and wiped away my tears, and comforted me. 'beta its okay. its not real life. theyre just toys. theyre not actually dying. its alright. dont cry'. when i was a child, and used to cry about similar things id see dying on tv, id cry. im one of those people yes, who in cinemas react to whats going on the screen and take the whole fourth wall thing way too personally, believing its two way communication. i also cry alot in movies, and very hysterically at times. my mum comforting me like that reminded me of how shed do the same when i was 10. im 21 now. i wish my mum's always going to be there to help me get over staged deaths. 
in the same chat, she also told me something else. 'dont take it so seriously. you dont cry half as much when anything bad happens to anyone from our family. the cartoon's arent even real yet you emote so much. you know abeer, we never think this way for our relatives. we never feel sad or cry so much for anything bad that befalls them. and thats not good. because we live around them, we only think negative things about them. we never really appreciate what tough times they're going through. we shouldnt be like that non?'
she also said one last thing. 'why do you cry so much beta? its okay. its not real. but my beta is so sensitive. its a good thing. stay this way'.


  1. abeer, we really need to watch some good movies together. I always react towards movies like it personally happened to me. Yesterday in harry potter I was the only one sobbing loudly(!), which was really stupid, because REALLY WHY WOULD YOU GO WATCH DEATHLY HALLOWS WITHOUT EXPECTING TO CRY

    I suspect other humans are just repressed or think crying is only for when your half-decent-looking half-troll boyfriend cheats on you.

    Or (this is probably close to the truth) they probably didn't understand what was going on. Honestly, thick malaysian teenagers wasting money on "blockbuster" movies, sigh.

  2. ello ella.
    sorry for the late reply.
    but i agree. we do. i wish we cudda gone for HP, but i didnt go ultimately and you never got back to me! boo hoo!
    also. i wish we cudda watched narnia because that is another one of my favourite series, but alas, i am in india now.
    and i agree. i take alot of tissues whenever i go the movies, you never know when you're going to need them!

    i believe they are societally repressed. in the sense, they have been programmed from very early on to not let their emotional side peek through, no matter where they are or how ever much the situation commands them. its like an instant reflex you see.

    and yes. it could be the last reason as well. i remember going to ice age 3 with a friend of mine, and even she didnt identify so many jokes, it was sad. because it takes a bit of understanding and knowledge to laugh and everything. plus, a lot does seem to get lost in translation. so you cant rule that out either!
